
SAPA 2086


High insulated door


The 2086 door system is a part of our Thermo 86 systems and is based on a strong and stable construction with 86 mm deep profiles. These are basic insulated with 42 mm glass fibre reinforced polyamide strips and filled with specially developed insulating rods SAPA Thermo N9 for optimal energy performance. The system offers very good air and rain tightness. Door leaf profiles are available for narrow and module locks as well as with anti-finger trap. Rebate for glass and infill panels 22-56 (64) mm.

This door which provides safe operation and long service life is perfectly suitable for busy public environments requiring high thermal insulation and air and rain performance.

This product is made of Hydro CIRCAL® recycled aluminum. Read more here

SAPA 2086_DataSheet_BA_241002.pdf
2086_2086 SX_EN_ProdBrochure2021.pdf
EPD SAPA 2086 door open out 3-glass, coated - EN

More information

Specifications & EPD

Threshold alternatives

Door openings should be designed without level differences from inside to outside. Sometimes a threshold is not required because of, for example, moisture or non prevailing weather conditions. When a threshold is installed, it should be as low as possible to facilitate passage. Applicable standards and requirements should be taken into account.

Anti-finger trap protection

In order to reduce the risk of injury due to squeezing, we have developed a solution based on a socalled anti-finger trap edge. Applicable standards and requirements should be taken into account.

Door system 2086 with anti-finger trap edge with EPDM rubber strips.

Clear dimension

Doors and entries should be designed with enough space (clear dimension) for person traffic and to facilitate passage in a wheel chair. Applicable standards and requirements should be taken into account.

Rebate door

A = Clear dimension
B = Frame outside dimension
C = Wall opening

D with universal hinge= 151 mm
D with lap but hinge= 145 alt. 148 mm with replaceable rebate profiles
E = 67 mm or 70 mm with replaceable rebate profiles

Anti-finger trap edge with a rubber strip

A = Clear dimension
B = Frame outside dimension
E = 67 mm or 70 mm with replaceable rebate profiles

Rebate door with hidden hinges

A =
Clear dimension
B = Frame outside dimension
D = 98,5 mm or 101,5 mm with repalceable rebate profile
E = 67 mm or 70 mm with replaceable rebate profile


Unprotected glazed surfaces that can be reached by persons shall be designed so as to limit the risk of injury. Such glazed surfaces shall be dimensioned so as to withstand the dynamic influence of a person. Applicable standards and requirements should be taken into account.

Functional dimensions
Glass thickness 20-64 mm

The illustration shows the different functional dimensions commonly used by the window industry and established by the MTK. The gaskets are made of EPDM rubber and are available in several versions.

Infill panels

Certain parts of the elements can or must be filled with infill panels. It is important to consider the backing and the surface layer of the panels.

The example shows infill panel F2

Infill panel F1
1,5 mm aluminium sheet
60 mm insulation
1,5 mm aluminium sheet
U-value at middle point down to 0,54 W/m²K.
For areas with little mechanical impact, such as high-level infill panels.

Infill panel F2
1,5 mm aluminium sheet
4,8 mm board
50 mm insulation
4,8 mm board
1,5 mm aluminium sheet
U-value at middle point down to 0,61 W/m²K.
For areas with moderate mechanical impact, such as low-level infill panels.

Infill panel F3
1,5 mm aluminium sheet
50 mm insulation
10 mm chip board
1,5 mm aluminium sheet
U-value at middle point down to 0,61 W/m²K.
For areas with high mechanical impact from outside.


Our door system can be easily equipped with the most common fittings available on the market. For optimum functionality it is important that the fittings work together.

Our standard fittings are shown below.

Hinges, examples

Universal hinge

Lap butt hinge.

Hidden hinge.

Break-out protection

Outward opening single-leaf door
In order to reduce the risk of burglary through doors, we have developed a rebate profile with integrated break-out protection. The break-out protection profile is easy to replace if damage occurs. Clear anodising is recommended for optimum appearance. Only available for outward opening singleleaf doors.

Elevations And Details

A2086-1001 21222324
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A2086-1002 12212223243
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A2086-1003 1221222324346
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A2086-1004 2122247
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A2086-1005 122122232437
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A2086-1006 122122232436678
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A2086-1007 31323334
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A2086-1008 12331323334
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A2086-1009 1233132333446
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A2086-1010 3132347
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A2086-1011 123313233347
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A2086-1012 123313233346678
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Fixing Principles

Door elements must be fixed to a stable and suitable wall structure. The choice of fixing method depends on the wall type. The number and location of fixing points depends on the size of the element.


Frame attachment with
dual screws

Frame attachment with
adjustable frame bushing

Frame attachment with
bolt and welded plate

Frame attachment with

Projects using doors SAPA 2086

Lindesberg Hälsocenter


Architect: White Architects
Metal builder: Glaslindberg Facade
Products: Facade SAPA: 4150, Roof: SAPA 5050, Doors SAPA 2086 & SAPA 2050
Photo: Åke E:son Lindman &White 

Tramway, Lund


Developer: Region Skåne / Lunds Kommun
Construction contractor: NCC Building Sweden
Metal builder: Alab Aluman AB
SAPA solutions: Facade 4150, Doorr 2086, Window 1086

Silberauto, Klaipeda


Facility: Silberauto
Place: Klaipeda, Lithuania
Architect: A405 Architects
Manufacturer: GS Industry UAB
Installer: Eugvilsta UAB

Facades: Sapa 4150
Doors: Sapa 2086 and Sapa 2074
Windows: Sapa 1074

Photography: Evaldas Lasys

Villa, Finland