Call for change


Call for change

Our ambition is to demonstrate our commitment to sustainability through our products, and we are dedicated to decarbonizing them. Our building systems are made with Hydro CIRCAL, a recycled aluminum with the lowest CO₂ impact on the market. This recycled material comes from old products, sorted using innovative technology, and remelted into new aluminum without compromising quality. By using Hydro CIRCAL in our system solutions, we create opportunities for a future focused on circularity. We aim to power all our factories with green energy by 2025.

Creating a circular future requires more than just bold ambitions; it demands real change. This year, we have taken significant steps towards a more sustainable future. Besides launching Hydro CIRCAL 100R, we are introducing a new façade system and have renovated our office in Vetlanda, incorporating both. Our renovation demonstrates that our products are easy to dismantle and recycle without sacrificing quality. Choose products with a low CO₂ impact to foster a better future.