Oxelöskolan in the middle of Sweden is a place filled with creativity. The school’s focus is on artsy activities, and as soon as you step inside the building you can feel the air of originality. Theatre, dance, music, vocals, art and form are all subjects practiced in this building of creativity. Students can definitely expect a both intense and rewarding education.
Oxelöskolan is an F9 school and with its 7,400 square meters can accommodate about 600 students. When the school was designed, not only were today's learning environments taken into consideration, but there was also room and space for the “school of the future”. This means that flexibility has been a major focus in the process - the school will last a long time to come, regardless of how the development of learning is.
The school places great emphasis on sustainable material choices, acoustics for a comfortable sound level, energy (including through solar cells on the roof) and having a good climate in general. The school's external environment is also colorful in its architecture. Studies show that the human eye and brain transform light into color. Color is undoubtedly a major factor that affects people's state of mind, some researchers even say that color can affect our blood pressure. Regardless, Oxelöskolan is beautifully located in a creative and colorful outdoor environment where children can use all their senses.
Oxelöskolan is certified according to Miljöbyggnad Silver - it is a clear indication that the construction company and the property owner are involved in environmental issues and think about those who will be staying in the building. Here, more is required of the building than just complying with legal requirements - among other things, the sun protection, sound environment and ventilation must be much better, something that Oxelöskolan is really proof of.
Architect: LLP Arkitektkontor
Metal Builder: GlasLindberg Fasad AB
• SAPA Facade 4150
• SAPA Door 2086
• SAPA Window 1086
Photographer: Erik Wik